Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hovsep Pushman

More images from the Rubin. The monks photographed from a video look like they're still moving to me, and bring to mind a beautiful movie called "Unmistaken Child." The painting just above is a modern interpretation of an ancient form by a contemporary painter from Tibet.

When I went to Taos for the open studio and demos with Sherrie McGraw and David Leffel, Sherrie gave a presentation on abstract realism and I was stunned by the work of Hovsep Pushman. His images of Asian still lives are so much like the ones in my mind that I see but don't know how to paint. Sherrie pointed out that Pushman used very little color to give the illusion of a lot of color.

It's incredible when you discover something that deeply resonates, something that has existed for some time apart from you, but has been within you all along.

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