Monday, December 22, 2008

Salted toffee

Dark chocolate covered toffee with a touch of sea salt.

I've noticed that when light falls on something brown, it creates a bright blue high light. I discovered that when I painted the couch with Louie napping, and now while painting chocolate. I have a little left-right brain battle when I draw. The right side sees it clearly, while the left insists that chocolate can not be blue, it must be brown. The problem is that the left brain's way of doing it makes for a boring drawing, so the right brain wins. I've also noticed that when I'm tired the left brain takes over the drawing, putting down on the paper what it thinks something should look like, not taking the time to observe what really is.

Drawing depends on a different type of seeing than the kind used for daily life. It involves seeing through an illusion into what is real. I like taking this idea off the paper and into the world, noting how many other little truths might be available when my mind gets stuck in its ways.

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