Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Torso and Back

I'm not crazy about putting my drawings right next to Rob's, but one of the points of doing this blog is knowing that waiting for perfection will get me nowhere, so here they are. The back was my first drawing. I can see now that on the right side of the back I was just copying the shadows I saw. They look like a series of dark lumps because I really didn't understand the way the muscles worked there.

In contrast, I like the right arm on the drawing of the woman's torso, below. By that drawing I was starting to clue in to what we were trying to do, and that arm looks less like copied shadows, and more like turn of muscle.

Often in a drawing, I can see what's not working, but I don't always know how to fix it. Where is it coming from? The proportion of an arm might be wrong, but that might be coming from the opposite thigh. The same thing happens in occupational therapy or yoga. The shoulder hurts, but often that's coming from the slump of the torso, which is coming from the tilt of the pelvis.

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