Thursday, April 23, 2009

Art school

I was looking forward to making another collage this evening but forgot that I ran out of glue stick last night and didn't remember to buy more today. In that way I'm thankful that this blog is not "Daily Collages" or "Daily Paintings". I started "Daily Art Works" to prove to myself that you can be creative despite all the obstacles (and there are many). It's certainly become a dance with what is.

This is a study of a Matisse painting. I've often read that many of my favorite artists spent a lot of time copying master drawings. This is something that never occurred to me but I really think is so important. One of the many illusions I've held is that an artist's abilities just fell from the sky. Back in the day of Michaelangelo painters were considered manual laborers, like tile makers. They started by copying the masters and painting from morning to night.

I titled this piece "Art School" because I love to day dream about going to art school. Spending entire days playing with color, shape, light, line, texture. But dream art school, not one where you also worry about how you're going to get a job after you graduate, or paying back student loans.

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