Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The oil painting progress is at an indefinite standstill. One realtor said my art studio is a distraction to buyers. Even though it's ridiculously clean for an art studio, it's set up in what, to a normal person, would be the master bedroom. I picked that room because it's the largest and most well lit one in the house. Why use all that great space just for a bed? 

Another realtor said the house should be fully furnished or completely empty. What I own is not a lot, but it's not nothing either. It's so stressful to have to clean every day when I'm ridiculously busy. Two days ago I screamed with terror because a realtor was inside the house and I hadn't heard the door bell ring. And on on top of all this, no one is actually coming to see the house.

This is not a rant against realtors, but a way of admitting to myself that this may not be the time and place to start painting. I'm frustrated because I can see and feel so much potential, but I'm completely compressed by time and space. Sometimes it's hard to known when you should force things to happen through will power and determination, and when you need to surrender.

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