Saturday, October 22, 2011

Spring Studio Sketches #2

From "The Language of Drawing," By Sherrie McGraw,

Drawing reveals the artist's thinking. It also helps the student discover how his own mind works. Tentative line reveals an unsure nature, and suggests a closer look before making a mark. Insensitive line indicates a lack of close attention to the subject and a stronger interest in results than in learning. Too much technique reveals a strong will that overpowers the subject. This behavior calls for humility. In this way, the beginner learns from his own work and becomes his own teacher.

I enjoy looking at my own work now and noticing the parts I think work, and what I would do differently the next time. That's something I didn't enjoy at all at 22, when a "good" or "bad" drawing translated as success or failure, then attached itself to how I perceived my own survival.

1 comment:

vtislands said...

Beautiful drawings. Thank you.