Sunday, October 9, 2011

Grace Cathedral

During the demo, someone asked David,"What is it like to be famous?" He said it's hard to think of yourself as famous when you have to pull up your own pants and brush your own teeth every day.

I couldn't help but think of the not always glamorous life of the occupational therapist when he said that. I've helped priests and gang members, ranchers and grandmas learn to pull up their own pants again.

There's a quality about clothes that hang in the closet of a patient's room. A few outfits hurriedly chosen by an anxious loved one, there's a quiet, hanging, waiting quality. It reminds me of this painting.

When a patient comes to rehab, it's usually the first time they put on regular clothes again, they've only been in a hospital gown until then. They're usually in too much pain to care, but I try to pick out the best color combination, and I get secretly excited when the clothes get to come to back to life.

I love to stop into cathedrals when I wander the streets of New York, they are stunning, and offer a quiet break from the chaos of the city.

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