Friday, March 6, 2009

Typing tutorial

Well this is embarrassing but I'm going to admit it. I can't type. In eighth grade we had to take a class called Exploratory where we spent six or so weeks learning one subject, then we switched off to another. It was a way to show eighth graders a sample of what the world could offer. I think, because of the way schedules can be, we all ended up missing out on one of the subjects. Or maybe it was because my name is at the end of the alphabet. Anyway, the subject I missed out on was typing. I took German and cow judging, but I never got to type.

I wasn't worried about it at the time because I thought only secretaries typed and I wasn't going to be a secretary, I was going to be an artist. I went off to art school where we only wrote papers in the first year. It was back in the day where you brought what you needed to be typed to a typing service. I did get marked down a full letter grade the time I passed in a paper that was handwritten because I was too broke to hire the typing service. But I was an artist and the paper was handwritten in beautiful and careful print so I didn't see what the problem was.

I've never had a job that needed anything typed so I never addressed the issue. Which leads to now. For school I've written a few 40 page papers, and many shorter ones, in a contorted adaptive position. In the interest of alignment, and getting things done faster, I've started doing typing tutorials online. I'm still at the asdf, jkl; level, but I'm getting faster. The problem is that I revert back to the contorted position whenever I actually have to type something.

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