Thursday, May 30, 2013


This is a ten minute sketch from about two months ago. I kept reworking the face because it looked like she was looking down while the model looked like she was looking up. I just came off of 5 very intense days of work at the rehab hospital, at the end of which was the Wednesday evening life drawing session I was determined to make it to, it's what I look forward to most each week. I took a quick shower but when I found myself still sitting in my robe on the couch staring into space at the same time drawing begins, I knew I had to surrender to the exhaustion.

I don't like to interrupt the rhythm of projects on my blog but I am so overbooked these days that I won't be able to get back to drawing until the end of next week. It brought this image to mind, a weary looking model propped on a cane, and how I had to rework the face to get her to look up instead of down. I like how her right foot looks like its solidly planted on the ground as if it's not giving up despite the weariness.

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