Monday, January 5, 2009

Orange pekoe, with sky

My friend Ilira sent me a box of beautiful hand made treasures. In it was this tea cup and some orange pekoe tea. I love the glaze on the tea cup, it looks like the clay was pressed with one of those wood textile printing blocks from India. I noticed that the sky was reflected in the tea and I tried to capture that.

I just couldn't figure out how to get it to look like a sky in tea, and not stripes. I'm at the point where I'm longing for some informed drawing lessons. I know I'm just practicing but I keep running into the same problems. How do you make colors darker without adding black? Lighter without adding white? When I add those two "colors" the drawing turns instantly cooler. And I still can't figure out how to keep things on the ground. Sometimes the objects I draw float, sometimes they don't, but why? I don't like posting drawings that I don't think are "good", but I don't have time for do-overs. Is-ness, is-ness. *sigh*

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