Saturday, August 13, 2011

Paper and Flight

Dear Muse,

I know I've pushed you away for quite some time now. It wasn't personal, and I've missed you so. It's that I don't always know you will support me, and I have to watch out for myself.
Things are made of bones and gravity down here, Muse, and I've been working to give them a roof.

I'm hoping that if I just keep typing, keep putting shapes on the white parts, you might take notice, and come back again.

Do come back.

These sculptures, made entirely out of paper, greeted me as I arrived at the airport in Philadelphia, almost a year ago. I wrote the name of the artist in a little notebook that I still have somewhere, though I don't know where. I'll post her name when I find it. I was afraid if I tried to find it before posting we would still be waiting, and I've done so much waiting.

1 comment:

Tara C said...

what a wonderful surprise to find at an airport. i love the surprise of finding art in unexpected places. the work itself is yin and yang to me. what is made out of paper are things that normally would be made out of much harder materials, i love seeing them being delicate.