Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Color Study

Ja Fang Lu, another one of our instructors, demonstrates a color study. A color study is not a finished painting, it's an opportunity to see color as a relationship, and to deepen perception.

These are the steps for a color study, from Studio Incamminati:
  • Consider a problem you want to explore
  • Compose your color study so that you can make five to seven initial color statements
  • Make a grisaille underpainting clearly differentiating what's lit and what's in shade.
  • Make strong statements of color, maintaining the differentiation of what's lit and what's in shade.
  • Use enough paint to make definite color statements.
  • Make each statement a strong identifiable color.
  • Cover the entire canvas, and make adjustments to individual color statements to relate to the whole.
  • Keep scanning the entire set-up and the entire canvas to adjust colors. Try not to stare into a color, but instead look at colors around and next to it. Flick your eyes, blur your vision, and shake your head to see the color in relation to what's around it.
  • Continue to make adjustments until no further adjustment suggests itself.
  • Evaluate the color study by how well it conveys the sense and feeling of the set up.

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