Monday, September 27, 2010

End of the parade

I wandered down to the ocean to say goodbye after the parade was over. I collected some shells and a dried crab claw that I swore I would draw one day when I had the time. I heard some noise behind me and realized the parade was heading toward its end in the parking lot. I like these end of parade photos, where people look a little less fabulous and a little more real.

I'd wondered what it would be like at this point, both my last day in Maine, shown here in July, and my last day of postings about Maine, shown now in September. What's been showing here the last few months I actually wrote about during summer afternoons in Vermont, where I grew up. It's been automatically posting for the last few months, while I've been meandering down the coast and to the other side of the country.

I'm now under palms not pines, blocks from the Pacific instead of the Atlantic. Today I'm starting my fieldwork in occupational therapy. What I don't have now is time to write about the last few months, like I did that one week in Vermont. So my blog will be taking a rest, some quiet time until the window comes where I can organize the photos and write. I like how my blog sometimes gets to do things I don't, or sees things in its own way. I look forward to returning to my quiet little corner of the internet as soon as I can.


Motivational truths said...

goooooood and nice articles here

Forward2 said...

I love your pictures! So bright and creative! Thank you for sharing!!