Monday, July 2, 2012

Center for the Arts

Yesterday's post shows Beatrice Wood with Marcel DuChamp. They dated when they were young and remained life long friends. Young and struggling artists when they met, many years later she bought her house with the sale of one of his drawings. That house became her home and studio and is now the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts, a museum of her life and work. Her studio, seen here, was kept perfectly preserved. Beatrice said if there was one secret to her success as an artist, it's that she was well organized. 

It reminds me of how Gabrielle Roth says, "It takes discipline to be a free spirit." For the spirit to move freely you need to give it the structure, space, and attention to do so. In occupational therapy we say "Proximal stability leads to distal mobility." For the fingers to move freely the shoulder needs to be stable in its socket. Many paths leading to the same place.

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