Monday, August 25, 2008

British bird

I was reflecting on all that goes into a drawing while I sketched this bird.
1. There's the object, as it is.
2. There's the possibilities and limitations of the materials.
3. There's the possibilities and limitations of yourself. Your ability to see, the control and/or surrender of your hand, your experience with the materials, the time you have available, and your mood.
4. There's the idea. That thing you see in your mind (Your mind? Is that where you see it?) that is the combination of the object, the materials, and you. It's strong enough to create a whirl of desire to compel you to try to capture it, yet elusive enough to keep you from fully being able to do so.
5. There's Something Else. Something that makes the final image greater, or at least something other, than the sum of all the aforementioned parts.

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